Sunday 24 May 2015

Fractions Friday

On Friday the Fantastic Foxes used Foam fractions and materials to create quarters, thirds, sixths, tenths, and twelfths when creating a whole. Students in the "Pentagons" group knew that it takes twelve twelfths to make one whole.

Anahiiri, Taylor, Dizzan, Jimmy and Robyn can name these fractions

Anahiiri, Taylor, Dizzan and Robyn can name these fractions

Dante Tuiva creating two quarters. He knows how to make a whole using quarters. He also knows how to make a quarter and three quarters

Ezykewl and AJ know that it takes 10 tenths to make a whole 

Ezykewl creating a whole and he knows that twelve twelfths make a whole


  1. Great work with fractions Fantastic Foxes. I wonder if you can compare the different fractions and how big or small they are... If Mrs Lee had one tenth of a chocolate bar and Mr Edwards had one half of the same chocolate bar who would have the most chocolate to eat?

  2. Wow amazing work Mr Edwards... Looks like some exciting learning going on in here:-)

  3. Your maths sounds fun and interesting.

    From Sophie and Iela from Allenton school

  4. you must be clever at maths

    faith Allenton

  5. I like your fraction.

  6. I love your fraction work room 15


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